My Tweets of the week – 2009-05-24
- Halfmoon Bay. The beach. #
- Finally! I hope that this will end the calls about car warranty: #
- Working on becoming more unreal everyday. A “real” challenge. Great article: #
- Going to attend the iPhone dev meetup tomorrow in Palo Alto: Always interesting. #
- waffle time (home made) – with a lot of strawberries on the top. Then heading to the city for the weekend and surprise diner at Masa’s #
- Chiling out in foggy downton San Francisco. Intercontinental 21st floor. #
- In the middle of the 6 course degustation menu at Masa’s. Really nice so far. #
- Dork alert: Bluetooth headset on while at brunch in a restaurant with a girl. Seriously? #
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